Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh the holidays...

So this semester has been pretty busy, and I am not finally posting a new blog... and I promised to change my ways... yeah right!!!

School is going great! I have 22 lovely 5-year olds. Its a lot of work with out my right hand lady... Maria Maciel, but I am coping. I have heard a few updates from my kiddos that are now in 1st grade and they are growing up so fast!!!
We are absolutely loving our house and our dogs. Adan made our first fire last Thursday in the fireplace and he made us hot cocoa, which was delicious, and we spent the evening enjoying each others company! Oh the joys of married life!!!

By the way, today is Adan's brother, Javier's, 27th birthday and Adan and my 3 years down 100 more to go together anniversary! How exciting!!!