Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My good friend Sandra and her little boy Rhodes came over today for a playdate and lunch!  Sandra worked with me last year in Irving and she stays home with her little one now so we always enjoy getting together to catch up! Here are some pictures of the kids playing together.  Isabelle has a major crush on Rhodes, she wouldn't stop grabbing him and trying to eat him!  He is too too cute!!

See... she wants him SOO bad!!!

 What a handsome little guy!!!
My chunky monkey!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tis the Season!

We are so ecstatic that this is our First Christmas together with Isabelle!  The LOVE of our lives.  To me, this season has been more meaningful than any other that I have experienced in the last 26 years.  I feel that this year I have a more profound sense of Christmas, thanks to becoming a mom myself.  I hear the Christmas Carols and Holiday music on the radio and O Come All Ye Faithful brings goosebumps to my arms.  The newest Christmas song that I am LOVING is Joseph's Lullaby by Mercy Me Check it out here!  I feel that sense of Mary's heart when she looked at her perfect angel sent to her from the Father.  It brings tears to my eyes as I listen to it now.  Looking into Isabelle's eyes just makes my heart skip a beat.  I can't imagine giving birth to the Savior of the World!  I feel like a million bucks knowing that I have Isabelle, I would feel so unequipped to carry the Son of God.  All this to say, material Christmas presents have been put on a MAJOR backburner this year and we are celebrating in the birth of our Savior as we look at our little angel.
With a Christmas bow...
or with a Santa hat....???

Rollin with the homies~~~

WE'RE ROLLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankful for so many things!

Wow! I am really behind on these posts.  I have a couple to post today so hopefully I will somewhat catch up.  This holiday season is so special to us having baby Isabelle.  This year we spent it with Adan's family.  His mom, brother, sister, His aunts and uncles, grandparents, and cousins.  I think there was about 20 or so of us together.  It was a great day of relaxation and giving thanks for so many things that God has given us.  Here are a few pics of our Thanksgiving.